Architect wins appeal to extend his home – Brighton and Hove News

An architect has won an appeal to extend his Brighton home after councillors refused to grant planning permission for the scheme.

Rory Aitkenhead, 38, can now fit solar panels on the roof and extend the first floor of the modern house in Preston Park Avenue where he and his family have lived since 2022.

A report to Brighton and Hove City Council’s Planning Committee recommended approving Mr Aitkenhead’s planning application in May 2024 but the committee turned it down.

After a 5-5 tie, it fell to Liz Loughran, a Labour councillor for Preston Park ward, to use her casting vote as chair.

The committee refused the application on design grounds, saying that the extension would “introduce a higher blank façade to the rear elevation of number 34”.

Councillors were also concerned that the design would “cause harm to the Preston Park Conservation Area”.

Planning inspector John Allan said in a report that the extension was modest in size and blended in with the existing modern building which already had a blank façade.

He said: “The separation between No 34 and the first-floor front face of No 34B would reduce. However, I am satisfied that ample distance between them would be retained.

“I am not persuaded that the space between the existing buildings would be eroded to a degree that would be harmful or which would make them appear cramped in relation to each other.”

Mr Allan also said that there would be no harm to the conservation area.

Mr Aitkenhead was not awarded costs though because the committee made its decision based on proper planning principles supported by relevant policies.

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