Basildon foster mum and daughter share lasting impact

Cara, from Basildon, started her journey as a foster carer almost 10 years ago and is currently a foster parent for 18-year-old Charlotte. Under her care, Cara says she has seen Charlotte transform into an ambitious, confident young woman.

The two got their matching tattoos on Charlotte’s 18th birthday to mark the day they first met and the “start of her new life”.

Commenting on her experience as a child in care, Charlotte said: “Cara is not my foster parent, she is my mum. She has supported me in so many ways and has always encouraged me to be the best that I can possibly be. I know that she will always be in my life.”

Inspired by Cara, Charlotte is now pursuing a career in social care to help other children like her.

“Stability and emotional security are invaluable to children – every child deserves this,” she added.

“By becoming a foster carer you can help give this to a child who needs it most.”

Cara and Charlotte have shared their fostering journey as part of Essex County Council’s plea to recruit at least 60 new fostering families this year, as more than 400 children in the county will need a foster home in 2025.

Cara describes the most rewarding part of being a foster parent as being able to see children progress.

She said: “Being a foster parent was something that I always wanted to do. I have two birth sons who really enjoyed having foster children around and we still stay in contact with a lot of the children that we have supported. Charlotte has had a huge impact on my life and is a permanent part of my family.

“Throughout my fostering journey I have received lots of support from Essex County Council. There was always someone to ask questions and other foster parents who offered advice. I would strongly encourage anyone thinking about fostering in 2025 to just do it. The difference you can make to a child’s life is incredible.”

To demonstrate the impact foster carers have on a child’s life, Essex County Council produced a video in collaboration with the Children in Care Council to showcase the experiences of young people in foster care.

The video was created with input from young people with experience of care, including Charlotte.

To find out more, visit Alternatively, call Essex County Council’s friendly fostering team at 0800 801 530.

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