Pictures taken on Friday show workers have moved in and started pulling down empty businesses surrounding the former Moon on the Square Wetherspoon pub.
Once demolition is completed, 492 flats with be built across three huge tower blocks up to 12 stories tall.
The development will feature new landscaped areas and public areas, factoring into the Labour Council’s promise of regeneration for the town centre – alongside a redeveloped Westgate Shopping Centre.
Vacant – Empty shops set to be demolished (Image: Roy Davis)
Basildon councillor for housing, Kerry Smith, is optimistic but is also eager to see foundations laid and work in full swing.
He said: “These homes could have been on the green belt, they created this local plan with brownfield land though and not with green belt as the first choice.
“It is good to have these 492 homes be built and not on green belt or on parks, I am eager to see them get started.
“However, we saw this at the former Laindon Shopping Centre, that when the block was demolished it was left.
Towers – Plans for 492 homes in Basildon Town Centre (Image: Roy Davis)
“We must ensure this project is delivered once demolition is completed.
“When they lay foundations I will be more optimistic on this and I am doubting it a bit, I have experience of previous owners.”
The plans to replace the Moon on the Square Pub were approved by the planing inspectorate in 2021 after Basildon Council initially rejected the application.
Previously, Labour councillor and deputy leader Adele Brown defended the development, arguing that the town centre was long overdue regeneration.
She described the proposed work as part of a larger town centre masterplan.
The final stages of the planning application, submitted by developer Orwell Real Estate, were approved last October giving the developer the all-clear to start work.
Similarly, plans for 495 homes are also planned for Basildon with four tower blocks to be built by developers Marson Property and Basildon Estates on the old M&S in the centre.