It’s among the busiest routes in the West Midlands and used by thousands of drivers every day. But many who drive along this busy dual carriageway may not be aware average speed cameras are in operation.
And not only are they working, they are catching hundreds of motorists speeding every month. The Black Country New Road is the route, other than motorways, where average speed cameras catch most motorists in the region.
Cameras are in position at several locations along the A41 and A444 Black Country New Road. In total, 5,705 motorists were captured breaking the speed limit in 2024, up to November, exclusive data showed. That’s around 130 every week on average.
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The area drivers are most likely to be caught is between The Lunt Junction and Moxley Junction, near Bilston. A huge 4,671 were clocked speeding here, with cameras operating in both directions of the dual carriageway connecting Wolverhampton with West Bromwich.
Another 1,034 were spotted between between Moxley Junction and Patent Shaft Roundabout, near Wednesbury. It makes the Black Country New Road cameras the most active in the West Midlands when motorways are excluded and serves as a warning that cameras are operating here.
Average speed cameras were rolled out in a number of areas of concern across the Black Country and Birmingham over the last few years and police chiefs are keen to add more. Details were revealed following a freedom of information request to West Midlands Police about locations where speed cameras catch most motorists in the region.
The worst spot for speeding across the entire region is between Junctions 7 and 8 of the M6, near Great Barr, with 11,477. Another hotspot is on the M6 between the M54 exit slip road near Wolverhampton and Junction 10 for Walsall.