Could Ampfield be set for two new houses?

Horwill Carne Developments wants permission to build two detached dwellings, a bin and a cycle store and install a package treatment plant

The full application is for a site located within the settlement boundary to the south of Winchester Hill in Ampfield.

Test Valley Borough Council’s Southern Area Planning Committee will decide on the application on Tuesday, January 14.

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(Image: Unknown) The site area measures approximately 1,239 square metres (not including the access route) and is accessed from Winchester Road via a single-track, private road.

An outline application was previously given for a detached dwelling and garage with all matters reserved.

In the conclusion to the planning report, the case officer, Katie Savage, said: “The proposed development is considered acceptable in principle and, subject to conditions, would not result in any adverse impacts on the character and appearance of the surrounding area, on trees, neighbour amenity, highways or ecology.

“The proposal is therefore considered to comply with the relevant policies contained within the Test Valley Borough Revised Local Plan 2016 and permission is therefore recommended.”

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Ampfield Parish Council previously objected to the development, with one issue alleging the land was scrubbed out before the ecology survey and no Biodiversity Net Gain will achieved.

The council said there is insufficient space for vehicles to turn and adequate parking, drainage concerns, impacts on local trees and fire appliance cannot access the site.

The council also said it would be “inharmonious” in the street scene due to the proposed ground level. It further highlighted amenity concerns, including overlooking and the reduction of privacy. 

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