Highway Code mirror rule could result in £100 fines

While temperatures across much of the UK are rising somewhat, it is still pretty cold out. And as the wintry weather continues, drivers are being reminded of an important Highway Code rule.

Failing to properly check your car before heading out could result in a hefty fine. Experts at Leasing Options have compiled a list of six things all drivers need to do as soon as possible.

They previously told the Liverpool ECHO that of these involves Highway Code rule 229, which states: “You must be able to see, so clear all snow and ice from all your windows”. This includes your mirrors, and drivers must make sure all are clear and thoroughly de-misted.

Failing to maintain clean windscreens, windows, and mirrors could see you hit with a £100 fine. Leasing Options also previously shared some other advice to stay safe while driving this winter:

Check and replace worn-down windscreen wipers

To maintain full visibility during rain, snow, and ice, it’s important to check for any splits or stiffness in the rubber of your windscreen wipers – and replace them as soon as possible if needed.

Check your tyres for inconsistencies

You should inspect your tyres for any irregularities and make sure they are inflated to the correct pressures. If they aren’t, this deviation could impact braking distances and steering feel.

If your car has been idle for some time, you may have developed slight flat spots in the tyre, which will manifest as a vibration. A drive should eliminate these flat spots due to the heat generated from friction and rotation. Also, examine the sidewalls for signs of cracking and check your tread depth.

Make sure all lights are working

With the shorter daylight hours, it’s critical to ensure your car’s lights are functional, not just for your own visibility, but also to make certain other road users can spot you well in advance. Broken lighting during these dark evenings could lead to an accident.

Ensure all your vehicle lights are functioning, including both front and rear fog lights. To verify the operation of brake lights and reverse lights, back up to a garage door or large window.

Check the coolant system has not frozen

The coolant should be at an adequate concentration to prevent freezing at lower temperatures. Never simply top up the existing coolant in your vehicle with water; the mixing ratio should be 50:50.

And always replenish coolant with the same colour already in the system.

Prevent screen wash from freezing

Another fluid that needs to be at the correct concentration to prevent freezing is screen wash. For the winter months, it’s best to use a 50:50 mix of water and screen wash.

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.devonlive.com/news/motoring/highway-code-mirror-rule-could-9859172