An Inverness cafe owner who fled a devastating fire in which her former partner died has cashed up for the last time as she hands over to new owners.
Gemma Taylor lost former partner Andy Adams – who is also the father of their daughter Rebecca – when the blaze broke out in her flat above a row of shops in Tomatin Road, Hilton, in the early hours of July 11.
The pair started the popular Blend Tea and Coffee Merchants café in Drummond Street more than 11 years ago.
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Several days after the fatal fire, Gemma reopened the cafe out of financial necessity although two months later she said she was reluctantly seeking to step away from the business.
In an interview with the Inverness Courier in October, she said the impact of that night had made her reassess her priorities in life.
At the time, she acknowledged it would be difficult to let go of Blend as it was a big part of her life and the building contained so many memories but she felt she needed to take time off and to step away from being in charge of somewhere.
In a post on social media this weekend, she announced it was the last time she had cashed up the till for the last time and that from today (Monday), Blend would be under new ownership.
“As I said before, I’ll be staying on for a while, plus doing the baking,” she said. “The staff are all staying and the menus won’t be changing just now.
“We’re all excited about the new owners coming aboard, fresh ideas and the chance for all the staff to step into new roles.
“Please do come in to keep supporting us and help Blend 2.0 to thrive going forward.”
Although it was not goodbye yet, she wanted to say thank you to everyone who had supported the cafe.
“Thanks to all the customers, whether from day one, or those who recently found us, especially everyone who kept us going during the stressful covid times and the long quiet winters. And to those who pitched in or offered help during difficult times, there have been a few!”
She also thanked her family, for their support and advice, noting it was truly a family business, having had three generations working in the cafe.
Continuing, she also shared memories and anecdotes such as ‘evicting’ 3000 wasps, interesting menu items, hours spent replacing the anti-slip treads on the stairs and meeting new dog friends.
“Thanks especially to all the staff over the years. From putting together the furniture, working extra shifts at short notice, coming back to help when no longer working here, all the effort over the years has been so appreciated,” she said.
She concluded with thanking the new owners for seeing a bright future for the little cafe.
Mr Taylor and Mr Adams – who first met when they worked together at Rocpool Reserve in Inverness – opened Blend in the summer of 2013.
He was previously well known in the city’s hospitality sector and heartfelt tributes were paid following his death in the fire.