New plan for former Kidderminster care home approved

Abbeyfield House on Birmingham Road in Kidderminster is set to be converted into four new flats after a full planning application was approved by Wyre Forest District Council.

Six residents raised objections to the plans on the council’s planning website, with some concerned over increased parking and traffic issues around the new homes and “overpopulation.”

There are four existing car parking spaces which would be used for residents at the site.

One objector said: “There is already inadequate parking for everyone in the area this will make it even worse.

Another said: “Too many people already living in this small built-up area along with the relentless school traffic.

“This area cannot cope with four flats. There are already too few parking places in an extremely busy built up area”.

Another said: “Currently there are not enough parking spaces to accommodate the people already living here, it is troublesome trying to park at any time of the day, the fact that there are three schools on this road does not help”.

A previous plan to convert the building into six flats with associated parking was rejected, with the council stating it would be an “overdevelopment” of the site.

However, the council has approved the new application highlighting that the proposal is now “deemed to be acceptable and accords with the principal determining criteria of the relevant development plan policies”.

The planning officer said the scheme “represents a less intensive development from that previously refused” and that “sufficient changes have been made in design and layout terms to reasonably allow the LPA to come to a different recommendation”.

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