Sixteen new homes will be built on a plot of farmland despite villagers’ fears the houses are being “crammed” into too small a space.
The 1.8-acre site – only slightly bigger than one football pitch – in Capel-le-Ferne was originally earmarked for just five properties in Dover District Council’s (DDC) local plan.
How the new homes in Capel-le-Ferne, between Folkestone and Dover, will look. Picture: Aile Homes
Residents are worried the number of new-builds coming to Cauldham Lane will “ruin the village feel” of the area.
In November, an outline application was granted by DDC for the 16 homes.
Last month, councillors on the planning committee approved the reserved matters proposed by developer Aile Homes.
At the meeting, Anthony Iren of the Tonbridge-based firm said: “Over the past few months, we’ve worked closely with planning officers to submit what we think is a sufficient application that provides a sustainable and aesthetic new development to the area.”
The houses will include one two-bed, nine three-beds, five four-beds and one five-bed, each with their own garden.
The 1.8-acre site where the new homes will be built in Capel-le-Ferne
All the properties will be kept to two storeys and fitted with air-source heat pumps.
The scheme also provides more than 40 parking spaces.
Concerns were previously raised about the site’s proximity to the Kent Downs National Landscape, formerly known as an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
The site was classified as a sensitive location that needed to be designed with care for its surroundings.
Trees and hedgerows are set to be retained to act as a buffer and screen the development.
The site in Cauldham Lane, Capel Le Ferne, where the 16 homes will be built. Picture: Aile Homes
As part of the reserved matters, a Section 106 agreement was also reached to provide a new footpath along Cauldham Lane.
Planning officers informed councillors at the meeting that Aile Homes is working with Kent Highways to provide the new pedestrian access alongside the developers of a neighbouring housing site called the Longships, also in Cauldham Lane.
In total, 50 objections were raised on DDC’s planning portal against the application.
Find out about planning applications that affect you by visiting the Public Notice Portal.
Matthew Dennett said: “I simply do not see that it would be suitable to have more houses here. It simply ruins the village feel along with the road being very narrow with no real way to make it wider due to driveways and telephone poles.
The new-builds will be a mix of two-bed and five-bed houses. Picture: Aile Homes
“The junction at the end is currently dangerous without adding more cars into the equation at rush hour.
“In my opinion, the lane and the junction are inadequate, and I don’t agree with any of the development proposals for this area.
“Two single large houses to match in with the rest of the lane I could agree with but cramming all these houses, it is not in keeping at all.”
Aile Homes has been contacted for comment.
Previously, DDC approved plans to add 90 homes between Cauldham Lane and Capel Street.
Residents had expressed their concerns that the countryside was being “concreted over”.