CCG Homes initially launched their application with North Ayrshire Council nearly two years ago – and hoped that a determination would have been made by June 2023.
However, the decision on the planned 115-home project, on vacant, former industrial, land just off Nethermains Road, was delayed as the authority asked for further consideration to be given to flood risk issues associated with the proposed site.
(Image: Street View)
The proposals sought to create 76 three-bedroomed houses ranging from terraced to detached homes.
The other 39 properties would all be four-bedroomed detached homes.
Alongside the homes, 336 parking spaces – including both garages and open parking – would be created on site.
However, the Scottish Environment Protection Agency (SEPA) raised issues with the flood risks associated with the site layout as proposed.
CCG Homes were then provided with an opportunity to submit a revised site layout to address the flood risk concerns.
A slightly revised layout and alternative flood prevention scheme was discussed, however, no further layout has been formally submitted to date.
Concerns were also raised by the council’s roads department who asked that further information be provided before an adequate assessment can be carried out.
The consultation response was passed to the applicant. However, no further information or drawings were received during the processing of the application.
(Image: NAC Planning)
Environmental health also raised issues with the site over contaminated land and though further information was provided, a satisfactory resolution to the issue has not been achieved.
Ahead of the planning committee meeting, which will be held on Wednesday, January 22, officers considered the consultation responses before recommending that members refuse the proposals.
Chief planning officer Allan Finlayson said: “The proposed development has not been adequately sited and designed to adapt to current and future flood risk.
“It does not avoid the area of identified flood risk and may increase the number of people and property at risk of flooding.
“The biodiversity of the site has not been adequately considered and the proposed development would result in an unacceptable loss of existing habitat.”
A final determination will not be made and rubber-stamped until the committee meeting takes place with elected members still holding the power to vote against the recommended decision.