A planning application was submitted to Northumberland County Council by an agent from Planning House to demolish an existing home at Ponteland House, Callerton Lane, Ponteland.
The new two-storey detached house will have associated parking and a garage.
A statement submitted with the plans said the site is not within a Conservation Area, designated landscape areas, or within the curtilage of any listed buildings or scheduled monuments.
The existing property was described as ‘dilapidated’ and ‘unhabitable’ in the statement.
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Due to the refusal of the previous application, reference number 23-03462-FUL, the statement said the design of the new house has been amended to protect neighbouring sites, as guided by the planning officer, to ensure a ‘harmonious integration within the plot and existing street scene’.
The following alterations were made to the design in response to the officer’s guidance:
- Proposed overall height of the ridge and width of the dwelling have been reduced
- Materials have been changed to a local buff stone and grey slate roof to better reflect the local character
- New trees are proposed to be planted on site to increase screening from the north and Ponteland Conservation Area
- All existing vegetation, including hedgerows and trees, is proposed to be retained
The statement said: “The owners of Ponteland House are looking to create a home that matches the needs of their family; demolishing the existing dwelling and erecting a modern dwelling will enable the family to have the interior and exterior residential space to support a high standard of living while living within walking distance to their family run restaurant.”
The plans will also improve the drainage of the property.
“This proposal will assist in meeting Ponteland’s housing needs, further diversify the type of housing available, and provide custom and self-build housing.
“The proposal will better utilise a brownfield site, making efficient use of land and existing facilities and infrastructure. The benefits of the proposal would significantly and demonstrably outweigh any adverse impacts of the proposal.”
For more information, go to the council’s planning portal and search reference number 24/04365/FUL.