A disused pub will be demolished despite strong objections.
West Berkshire Council has granted conditional approval to Transforming Developments Ltd to demolish the Travellers Friend pub in Crookham Common and build 18 new flats for young people with autism and learning disabilities.
The Travellers Friend pub in 2015
A construction method statement, external lighting strategy and scheme for tree protection must be submitted and approved in writing by the local planning authority before any development can take place.
The planned conversion was previously taken before the council’s eastern area planning committee.
Some of the representations received objecting to the proposal raised concerns that the development is an unsustainable location which is out of character with the surrounding area, with very few facilities for the proposed residents.
Other concerns focused on the potential impact on infrastructure and traffic, with an increase in noise and pollution.
But council planners recommended the scheme’s approval, saying: “Given the physical separation of the proposal to these dwellings and the fact that the site was in use as a public house in the past, which would have engendered a degree of noise and disruption, given the nature of the supported use on site in this scheme, it is not considered that there will be any harmful impact on local amenity by reason of increased noise or indeed traffic movements as noted in some of the objections.”