Residents have objected to a proposed change to the ongoing flood defence works in Thatcham, which are nearing completion.
Ardent Consulting Engineers, acting on behalf of West Berkshire Council, has applied to add a fence with lockable gates across the Memorial Playing Fields.
Site of the Memorial Playing Fields in Thatcham
But residents fear their access to the fields and other areas of the town will be impeded if the changes go ahead.
In a letter to WBC, dated December 5, Ardent explained: “Following discussion with the landowner, it was requested that a fence with gated access would be installed to separate the flood alleviation scheme lands from the Thatcham Memorial Foundation (TMF) land being retained post scheme completion.
“The footpath was realigned to minimise ecological impacts at the site, as well as minimising tree disturbance and tree removal required.”
Ardent initially tried to submit the change as a non-material amendment to the original planning application, but the district council refused saying that footpaths and accessibility represented “repeated issues” for the public. And they weren’t wrong.
The proposed gates have received 19 objections on the council’s planning portal.
One comment read: “The public should have access to this green open space at all times to enable them to enjoy the benefits it brings to physical and mental wellbeing.”
“I think it is terrible that walking access to vital services like doctors is being blocked for residents of North West Thatcham. They will soon have no choice but to drive if this important route is obstructed,” added another.
Another comment read: “This raises concerns about whether the gates are actually needed, and whether there is a risk they may eventually be kept closed at all times, as has happened with the other entrance leading to Beverley Close.”
Revised plans for the Flood Alleviation Scheme show two gates at either side of the field
The footpath to the field from Beverly Close remains closed – despite appearing open on the plans – and the path by the Town War Memorial was also previously bricked up.
Thatcham Town Council recommended the proposal for refusal at its planning meeting yesterday evening (Tuesday).
Committee chairman Simon Pike (Lib Dem, Thatcham West) said: “Obviously, in the view of consulting engineers, the changes are minor. But in the view of residents, they take a different view.
“There’s no justification given in the application as to why the gates are necessary. Therefore, it has potential to harmfully impact that connectivity.”
A condition in the original application for the flood defence works stated the connectivity the field provides to residents must not be harmfully impacted by the development.
In a previous statement to newburytoday, chairman of the TMF Nathan Gregory said: “Following the advice of the Foundation’s surveyor and solicitor, a fence will be placed to delineate the retained Thatcham Memorial Playing Fields and the area being purchased by West Berkshire Council.
“This will be installed as part of the Flood Alleviation Scheme and is not being undertaken by the Foundation.
“Pedestrian gates are required in the fence to link to the new perimeter path.”
But it is not yet clear how often the gates will be kept open and accessible for the public.
The TMF has been approached for further clarification.
The application is due to be decided by tomorrow (Thursday).
Find out about planning applications that affect you at the Public Notice Portal.