The Monkey House Nursery School gets Good Ofsted rating

The Monkey House Nursery School in Mapledurwell and Up Nately Villiage Hall was assessed in quality of education, behaviour and attitudes, personal development, leadership and management.

After an inspection on December 11, The Monkey House received the ‘good’ grading in all categories.

Praising the nursery, the report states: “Children receive a warm welcome as they arrive at the setting. They confidently separate from their parents. Staff form positive relationships with children and parents. As a result, staff know the children well.”

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The “clear and ambitious” curriculum is understood by all staff and helps children develop a range of skills, the report adds. 

Inspectors say: “Children benefit from many opportunities to play and learn. For example, they explore bugs and discuss their differences and familiarities. They count the legs on the bugs and categorise them into groups that crawl or fly.”

The report confirms that children’s communication and language are supported well and they are able to learn a “wide range” of vocabulary.

It concludes: “Overall, children are respectful of their environment and have good relationships with others. For instance, during tidy up time, children watch the sand timer and positively engage with the staff as they help tidy toys away.

“Staff are attentive to unwanted behaviour. However, they do not yet consistently help children follow boundaries and routines. For example, occasionally, children are reminded to use their ‘walking feet’ indoors. However, staff do not constantly support the children to understand what is expected of them.”

The report praises partnerships with parents and how regular updates are given about development and routines to help support them at home.

Inspectors, however, do criticise handwashing procedures. The report says procedures are “not understood” by staff, it adds: “Therefore, they do not consistently encourage good hygiene practices.”

Suggested improvements emphasise the fact that the nursery school needs to review and strengthen hygiene practices.

It also states it needs to “build on the staff’s teaching of behaviour boundaries so that all children fully understand the impact their actions have on the safety and the feelings of others”.

Readers can view the full report by clicking here.

The Gazette has contacted The Monkey House for a comment.

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