The environmental campaign, now in its 10th year, will run from March 21 to April 6.
Wiltshire Council and Idverde are backing the initiative to fight against littering across the county.
They aim to surpass last year’s efforts when more than 150 community events were organised, with volunteers collecting more than 9,800 kg of litter.
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Cllr Nick Holder, cabinet member for highways and street scene, said: “Litter is a blight on our local environment.
“It is not only unsightly, spoiling beautiful Wiltshire countryside, but it can be a danger to people and wildlife.
“We work hard to tackle litter throughout the county, and the Great British Spring Clean is a fantastic opportunity for our communities to get involved and make a difference in their area.”
The council will support the events with equipment and collection of the bagged waste.
Schools can also participate in the Great Big School Clean and will receive a school litter pick kit with children’s litter pickers, hi-vis vests and gloves.
Community groups and schools can make requests for equipment or litter collection by contacting the community engagement manager at